Microsurgical Anatomy and Surgery of the Posterior Cranial Fossa — Surgical Procedures Based on Anatomical Study.2014
(Chapter1) Matsushima T, Matsushima K : The “Rules of Three” in the Posterior Cranial Fossa.
(Chapter2) Matsushima T, Matsushima K, Kitamura M : Neural Structures: the Brainstem, Cerebellum, Cerebellar Peduncles, and Fourth Ventricle.
(Chapter3) Matsushima T, Kawashima M : Three Cerebellar Arteries: Superior Cerebellar Artery, Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery, and Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery.
(Chapter4) Matsushima T, OgataA : The Veins of the Posterior Cranial Fossa: Nomenclature.
(Chapter 5) Matsushima T, Takase Y : The Bridging Veins in the Posterior Cranial Fossa.
(Chapter 6) Matsushima T, Ito H, Shimokawa S : Midline Suboccipital Approach and Its Variations for Fourth Ventricular or Cerebellar Hemispheric Lesions.
(Chapter 7) Matsushima T, Matsushima K, Miki K : Microsurgical Anatomy of the Cerebellomedullary Fissure and Variations of the Transcerebellomedullary Fissure Approach.
(Chapter 8) Matsushima T, Takamatsu Y : The Cerebellopontine Angle: Structures and the “Rules of Three”.
(Chapter 9) Matsushima T, Wakamiya T : The Retrosigmoid Lateral Suboccipital Approach: Basic Approach and Variations.
(Chapter 10) Matsushima T, Tanaka T : Anatomy for Microvascular Decompression Procedures: Relationships between Cranial Nerves and Vessels, Preoperative Images, and Anatomy for the Stitched Sling Retraction Technique.
(Chapter 11) Matsushima T, Masuoka J : Microvascular Decompression Surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia: Special Reference to the Infratentorial Lateral Supracerebellar Approach Using the Tentorial Stitched Sling Retraction Method.
(Chapter 12) Matsushima T, Nakahara Y, Inoue K : Microvascular Decompression Surgery for Hemifacial Spasm: the Lateral Suboccipital Infrafloccular Approach.
(Chapter 13) Matsushima T, Hiraishi T, Okamoto H : Microvascular Decompression for Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia: Surgical Approaches Depending on the Offending Artery.
(Chapter 14)Matsushima T, Inoue K : Microsurgical Anatomy of the Internal Auditory Canal and Surrounding Structures and Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery.
(Chapter 15) Matsushima T, Suzuyama K : Meningiomas of the Cerebellopontine Angle: Classification and Differences in the Surgical Removal of Each Type through the Lateral Suboccipital Retrosigmoid Approach.
(Chapter 16) Matsushima T, Hagihara N : Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Part of the Foramen Magnum and the Posterior Paramedian Approaches.
(Chapter 17) Matsushima T, Kouguchi M, Matsushima K : Surgical Anatomy of and Approaches through the Lateral Foramen Magnum: the Transcondylar Fossa and Transcondylar Approaches.
(Chapter 18) Matsushima T, Yoshioka F, Matsushima K : Temporal Bone – Basic Anatomy and Approaches to Internal Auditory Canal.
(Chapter 19) Matsushima T, Matsushima K, Yoshioka F : Posterior and Anterior Transpetrosal Approaches.
(Chapter 20) Matsushima T, Matsushima K, Katsuta T, Komune N: Microsurgical Anatomy of and Surgical Approaches to the Jugular Foramen.
(Chapter 21) Kawashima M, Matsushima T : Occipital Artery–Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Bypass Surgery.
- Matsushima T,Kawashima M,Inoue K,Matsushima K: Anatomy of the superior petrosal veins and their exposure and management during petrous apex meningioma surgery using the lateral suboccipital retrosigmoid approach.Neurosurgical Review(in press) 2014
- Matasushima K, Matsushima T, Kuga Y, Kodama Y, Inoue K, Ohnishi H, Rhoton AL Jr:
Classification of the superior petrosal veins and sinus based on drainage pattern.
Neurosurg 10 Suppl 2:357-67 2014 - Matsushima K, Kohno M, Komune N, Miki K, Matsushima T, Rhoton AL Jr : Suprajugular Extension of the Retrosigmoid Approach: Microsurgical Anatomy. J Neurosurg (in press) 2014
- MatsushimaT, Kawashima M, Inoue K, Matsushima K, Miki K: Exposure of Wide Cerebellomedullary Cisterns for Vascular Lesion Surgeries in Cerebellomedullary Cisterns: Opening of Unilateral Cerebellomedullary Fissures (unilateral trans-CMF approach) Combined with Lateral Foramen Magnum Approach. World Neurosurgery (in press) 2014
- Nakahara Y, Kawashima M, Matsushima T, Kouguchi M, Takase Y, Nanri Y, Yakusiji Y. Microvascular Decompression Surgery for Vertebral Artery Compression of the Medulla Oblongata: 3 Cases with Respiratory Failure and/or Dysphagia. World Neurosurgery(in press) 2014
- Kawashima M,Matsushima T:Microsurgical Anatomy of the Craniovertebral Junction(頭蓋頚椎移行部の微小外科解剖).Jpn J Neurosurg(Tokyo)23:108-113.2014
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